Friday 5 March 2010

sneak preview

this is a sneak preview of the build. i'm quite happy with it so far, but a lot more to do with the scalpel. i'm sure ill end up with no fingers!!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

sketch for tree

this is a sketch just trying to define my idea... next stop find wood!!!

Monday 1 March 2010

Olafur Eliasson

the weather project, and another play with light. Eliasson's work is so great at capturing atmosphere

the faraway tree

enid blyton's 'the faraway tree' is a great examples of mystical trees

the tree

i have taken photos today at a low angle, trying to get a nice perspective and showing the sheer size difference of the tree and the viewer. this can then be projected on the wall and built around

kathe kollwitz

love kollwitz's work!! Much of kollwitz's work was completed after the death of her two sons in the war. As a result of that, her work became very emotional.